Hello guys, I
have created this site in respect of most innovative Blogger, theme maker and
best photographer miss. Arlina Fitriyani
This site
will provide you all parallel updates by Arlina , as she blogs in Indonesian and
Google translate does not translate the site as we require , so this is just
little try to share all her content in English as well as Hindi language
About Arlina:
She is one
of the most beautiful women’s around the world, she is smart, intelligent,
sweet, caring, respective, motivated, innovative, creative and free thinking
girl ,
She had
created blog earlier in her life: http://arlinadesign.blogspot.com later she has
changed the url to www.arlinadzgn.com
She has
started her blog early in 2012, later she have created lots of most informative
and revolutionary articles and shared all for free, Arlina created most popular
themes, templates for blogger which crossed over million hits , now there are
so many super templates created by Arlina and she have given lot of them free
of cost , without having any trouble you can use it for your blog and your BlogSpot
blog will turn into awesome website , Arlina uses the best colors , scripts,
formats , layouts and all the awesome stuff. Her templates are always user
friendly and SEO friendly with marking 100/100
I will
update her every post and template in Hindi or English for convenience of other